Enforcing the Past to protect the Future!

...Queer rep?

Anyone who's seen more than 1 episode of Time Squad is bound to ask themselves the exact same question: "Is Larry... gay?"

And it's really easy to see why, as Larry's homoerotic undertones are not subtle in the slightest. While ambiguous enough in Season 1 to pass it off as "reading into it too hard", by Season 2 Larry is very clearly camp, dressing in pink feminine outfits and cooking sophisticated meals (see Larry food theory). This all culminates in the fan favorite episode Ex Marks the Spot, where Larry gets jealous of Tuddrussel and Sheila getting along again, and tries to sabotage their meal (therefore relationship). At the end, he confesses dramatically, almost in the style of a soap opera, "Nobody's taking Tuddrussel away, I don't care how in love you two are!". This doesn't go without mentioning that he also tells Tuddrussel he'll be "sleeping on the couch" that night. Larry and Buck quite literally act like an old bickering married couple with Otto as their semi-canonically adopted kid.

Seriously, what is his problem
I consider Larry to be a very, very tragic character because of his attraction to Buck. He's in a constant battle of loving and hating Tuddrussel, insulting him through passive-aggressive remarks yet later admitting he desperately needs the "big oaf". This is a lot more apparent in the Mexican dub, Oh Boy the Mexican dub. See, Larry calls Buck quequi from time to time, a weirdly complicated and layered nickname. Here's my dissection of it:

What the above explanation means is that as a nickname, quequi is Larry's way of saying "I love you, but I hate you, but I love you so much, but I want you dead". Normal Straight Things for a robot to do! If you want a more in-depth analysis of Larry, check out my character analysis of him on Tumblr.

In fact, Larry's queerness is so apparent there's an entire TvTropes page almost dedicated to him. His voice actor, Mark Hamill, also jokes about his sexuality with Rob Paulsen on his podcast. In conclusion: