What is Time Squad?
Time Squad is an American Cartoon Network show created by Dave Wasson (also creator of The Cuphead Show!) and co-written by Carlos Ramos and Michael Karnow. It first aired on June 8th, 2001 and was cancelled in 2003, its last episode airing November of that year.
The series follows Buck Tuddrussel, Larry 3000 and Otto Osworth as the "Time Squad", a futuristic patrol that goes back in time and fixes mistakes in history. Mostly American-centered, these historical innacuracies include Edgar Allan Poe writing happy stories, Beethoven becoming a professional wrestler and Louis Pasteur inventing powdered drinks.

Some episodes focus solely on the Squad's day-to-day life and the silly adventures that happen at their home, which just so happens to be a futuristic giant satellite in the year 100,000,000 AD.
I seriously, wholeheartedly genuinely don't know why I've been obsessed with this show for over 3 years now. Time Squad is what got me into archiving and has been a huge influence for my art; it is quite literally one of the main reasons I'm considering getting an autism diagnosis. Have fun looking through my shrine!
Psst, hey! Here's a little something special.