Enforcing the Past to protect the Future!

Mexican Dub

The Mexican dub for Time Squad (Escuadrón del Tiempo) is one of my favorite dubs for anything ever. It elevates the show's humor and adds so much flavor to the dialogue, combining the already present jokes with Mexican culture. Larry's voice actor (Jose Antonio Macías AKA Pepe Toño) is perfect for the role because he gives Larry a very effeminate accent, in contrast to Hamill's sophisticated British Larry.

Unfortunately, this dub is still incomplete. As of writing this, 2 episodes are missing the first and last half respectively. I've scoured the web trying to find the lost segments to no avail, and considering how Tooncast doesn't air Time Squad anymore, the chances of finding the segments are very low. If you have any info on how these could be recovered, please tell me!
UPDATE: As of 11/03/2025, Tooncast is back to airing Time Squad! Unfortunately I can't find a good source to watch + record it.

Here's some clips: