A brief history of Mystery Eclipse...

Written by Yours Truly


Mystery Eclipse started in the grand old year of 2019, when I finally decided that I had worked enough on the story to start making pages (otherwise, I would "figure it out later"), except that's not really the case.

The first ever sketch of chapter 1's cover, showing Diane looking at the eclipse directly (don't do that).
Chapter 1 cover's beta design. Do not look at eclipses directly like Diane is doing here.

Any webcomic artist knows that before you even think of sketching the cover page for your story, building the story can take years of writing. Well, in truth, Mystery Eclipse actually started in 2017. But why? What motivated me to start a comic? Was it divine intervention? A prophecy foretold in ancient scriptures? A vision of the future blabbered by a madman, passed down to me through a series of pseudo-broken-telephone notes? Actually, it was just on a whim.

A paper drawing of Shiko, with text reading 'why am i making so many characters'.
The first ever drawing of Shiko, MyEc's first character. Note the "cool" eye he used to have.

That's right! All of this, these past 7 years of hard work, sweat and tears are because I decided to make a comic one day for no reason, except maybe that it would "be cool". This fact alone lingers from time to time in my mind, a grim reminder that I've spent a significant portion of my life on a webcomic about furries.


In the beginning, only Diane and Shiko existed in the Mystery Eclipse universe, and the comic was planned to be waaayyy shorter than the mess it is now. But as I continued to work on the story (and gained more writing experience as I grew up) I realized it needed more characters and a richer setting. So I took a hiatus after finishing chapter 1 and tweaked the plot... that's where Sam comes in! His true purpose has always been to be the "sidekick" of the main trio.

Fun Fact! Did you know the mice government predate both Millie AND Daisy? Did you also know someone once said to me the mice government agents look like a Friday Night Funkin' mod character? Comparisons are what keep me up at night.

We don't talk about how I characterized Shiko in 2021.

2 digital doodles of the mice government. The first one is a bust of an agent with the words 'mice government' written next to him in pink. The second drawing shows Shiko being interrogated by another agent, this one shouting 'WHO DO YOU WORK FOR, ALIEN?!'. Shiko has a smug look on his face and is crossing his arms, saying 'lol'.
First doodles of the mice agents (circa 2020). Earlier depictions of government figures were actually deer.


When I finished chapter 2, took a break and steadily started working on chapter 3, Mystery Eclipse went through a great number of changes. Most of them good, some of them so horrible they still haunt me to this day. Actually, a lot of things about this webcomic's past haunt me, but that's not the point. I created Millie and Daisy, I started thinking about how the mice government was gonna fit into the story, and I forced myself to draw backgrounds so I could actually learn, therefore leading to the creation of my first 3D model!

2 roughly drawn backgrounds of the mice government building, drawn on paper. The first one depicts a long hallway with big pipes running along it. The second drawing shows a room filled with wires and a small dark figure standing in front of a doorway.
Background concepts for chapter 4.


And here's where we stand now, on the brink of something or other, as I like to say. Chapter 4 is already the longest and I've got a boatload of scenes planned for it, so we'll be here a while.

The future is as exciting as it is scary, as my own personal life will most likely get in the way of making the pages. I promised myself I wouldn't cancel MyEc, no matter how much I want to reset or outright abandon it at times. I'll keep moving, and if it takes me 10 years to pick up the story where I left off, then so be it! Until then, I'll see you guys around.