
Joey's LapBlog

A personal blog dedicated to my experience with Linux Mint on a Dell laptop

Posts are organized chronologically, from newest to oldest.

A GIF of Tux, Linux's penguin mascot.


Time for some light gaming! And I mean light, light gaming. This poor thing only has 8 gigs of RAM, it’s no powerhouse! If I’m going to use this laptop for university, I have to choose a game that is both light and stupidly fun in order to pass the time. So I went for a Touhou game. Multiple, in fact. Now keep in mind, I’m a total newbie to the Touhou franchise; I don’t recognize many of the girls and even fewer by name and the only game I’ve managed to beat is Imperishable Night on easy mode.

Still, I think the games are super fun so I got three: Imperishable Night, Shoot the Bullet and Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom (the latter I only downloaded because Clownpiece apparently shows up in it). These aren’t meant to push the CPU to its limits, but I am interested in seeing how smoothly they can run on here.

… Okay, first problem encountered, I can’t run the executable file. It opens it in Archive Manager, meaning I can see what’s inside the .exe, but it doesn’t run the application itself. A quick Internet search tells me I’m supposed to go to Properties and allow the file to be executed, which makes sense now that I think about it, safety and whatnot. Hey, this isn’t working at all– Oh yeah, Wine. I forgot about Wine. A bit of messing around, and now I can run the games! They’re as smooth as I expected, so I’ll be keeping them in my hard drive for a while. Installed GIMP & Sublime Text and started coding the actual site this whole blog is going on. Also learned how to change the colors in the terminal ^_^ Here's what LABESTIA5000 looks like right now:

A screenshot of my desktop environment. The wallpaper is a demon-like skull surrounded by fire. There are 2 windows open: one is a terminal with the neofetch command, and the other is a drawing application. Inside it is a doodle of Sam, he looks at the camera and has a speech bubble with the text 'Hello Linux Mint Cinnamon!' inside it.


Today to test out LABESTIA I wanted to do something actually useful: I wanted to print out a few pages out of my cooking class’ cookbook document. I connected my printer through wireless connection and installed LibreOffice (plus VLC but that’s not important). I was honestly a bit surprised that it worked perfectly fine with Word documents? Call me cautious or just plain dumb, but I’m always half-expecting programs to not work with Microsoft file formats and the like. Anyway, I printed out the pages I needed and my printer didn’t throw a fit like it usually does. Hooray! I’m currently writing this part while sitting on the living room couch and it’s a very different experience than having to go to my PC desk (can you tell I’ve never had a laptop before?). Other than that, I’ve been doing a bit of maintenance on other parts of my website and writing on Google Docs.


My new laptop arrived today and I got to snooping around, turns out it came preinstalled with none other than Windows 11. Despite all my planning/research I hadn’t really decided on which Linux distro to use (though I had a USB with Arch flashed on it) or if I was gonna try dual-booting or not, but the thought of having to install Win10 on this 8GB RAM laptop made me feel bad for it so Linux only it is. I also quickly decided to get Mint Cinnamon instead of Arch or another distro since this computer’s meant for university work, so I needed something with a lot of support ^_^. I went through the installation process normally, installed the drivers, set up Firefox syncing, yadda yadda. I like setting up my computers with a specific theme, so this one was “EVIL FIRE SKELETON SKULL”– and thus my first ever laptop was baptized as LABESTIA5000 (THE BEAST 5000 in Spanish). Isn’t she cute?

A photo of a silver laptop with the screen turned off. The background is edited into a mosaic-like light green color.